Here’s a fun story for you. Around 5 years ago, I was freshly engaged, and searching for a photographer for our wedding. I was just barely dipping my toes into wedding photography myself, so I didn’t know all that I know now about how to find a photographer. I had been following this photographer duo, Feather & Twine, for a while, and loved their work. The only problem was that they were located across the country from us. As much as I loved their work, and thought they seemed like the coolest people, I didn’t even reach out to them about potentially photographing our wedding. I just figured, “why would they want to travel all the way over here for our little wedding?”
Fast forward 3 years or so. I was still following them online, still LOVED their work. I was in Portland for a meeting, and went to grab lunch at one of my favorite spots, (Little Big Burger – so good!) Since I was eating alone, I was scrolling through instagram, and noticed that these photographers I loved were visiting Portland. Right as I was finishing up my lunch, I looked up at the door, and guess who walked in. Kelsey and Talon! I wasn’t sure if I should say anything and interrupt their lunch, but I decided to introduce myself and let them know how much I loved their work. (I’m positive I was crazy awkward. How can you smoothly say “Hey, you’re Kelsey, right? I’m also Kelsee.” Haha!) They were so friendly, and ended up inviting me to sit with them, and we talked a little bit.
Fast forward another two years or so, and we’re pretty big mutual fans of each other on Instagram.
When Kelsey and Talon came up to Oregon to visit in early March, we decided to photograph each other at one of the most iconic and beautiful “Oregon” spots I could think of. Smith Rock, outside of Bend, Oregon. It was so much fun to spend the evening with these two, exploring and taking photos in such a beautiful, light-filled setting. They’re such fun and kind people, not to mention SO cute.
I love that we connected because of social media! There are lots of things that I hate about how social media is shaping the world today, but this is one of the things that I just love about it. Knowing how much I still adore Feather & Twine’s work, and how great Kelsey and Talon are, my only regret is that I didn’t even inquire with them about our own wedding 4.5 years ago. Brides – if you LOVE someone’s work, and mesh with their personality, it’s so worth it to do whatever you can to work with them! You’ll thank yourself years down the road. That’s my snippet of “advice I’d tell past Kelsee” today.
For now, just enjoy these photos of this cool couple in a stunning location.
All images photographed with Fuji 400h Film, on a Contax 645 and Canon 1v. Processed by Photovision.
Ready to book your own anniversary or engagement session? Contact me to get the ball rolling! I can’t wait to talk details with you!
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